Advertise with us

Since the edition of November 24, 2023, The St Ives Times & Echo has been printed in full colour
Display Advertisement minimum charge (6cm. single column) £25.20
Run of paper per s.c. cm £4.20
Front Page per s.c. cm £6.65
Back Page per s.c. cm £6.05
Title Corners £30.00
Full Page £749.98
Half Page £396.90
Third of a Page £275.18
Quarter Page £238.14
​Series Discount Available on PREPAID basis only – Special Positions 20% above rate
All Government and Local Authority Notices, Legal and Public Notices, Tenders, etc. per s.c. cm £6.50
Registered Charity advertising per s.c. cm £4.20
Church per s.c. cm £3.50
Wreaths and Mourners per s.c. cm £3.50
Acknowledgements, Births, Engagements, Weddings, Deaths, In Memoriam etc. 68p per word including VAT. Minimum charge £8.16.
Professional Services, Personal, Sales, Wanted, Situations Vacant & all other classifications, 62p per word including VAT. Minimum charge £7.44 Box Number £5.50
Unless otherwise stated, all rates quoted exclude V.A.T., which will be charged at the current rate.
DEADLINES: Display advertisements must reach our St Ives office by 5pm on the Monday of the week of publication. Back page classified/lineage advertisements by 12 noon of the Tuesday of the week of publication.
PRICES include advertisement design and typesetting but customers may supply artwork for display advertising.
ARTWORK to be supplied in 'print ready' .pdf format with all fonts embedded (crop marks or bleed are not required).
ADVERISEMENT copy can be supplied as text with accompanying photographs and logos in Tagged Image Format (.tif) or JPEG (.jpg) at 300 - 600 ppi.
Print process: sheet fed litho. Page size overall: 320mm x 450mm; page type/image area: 290mm x 420mm. Column length: 420mm. Column width: 46mm. Column gutter: 3mm. 6 columns per page. Advertisement widths are: single col = 46mm; 2 cols = 95mm; 3 cols =144mm; 4 cols = 193mm;
5 cols = 242mm; 6 cols = 291mm.
File formats preferred: Portable Document Format = .PDF; Rich Text Format = .RTF; JPEG(.jpg) resolution 300 dpi @ published output size.
Fine line graphics file format: Tagged Image Format (.tif) resolution 600 dpi @ published output size.
Display rates quoted are pre-paid rates but also apply to all approved accounts paid within 28 days of a first statement. Should this credit period be exceeded, any offer of discount made at the time the advertisement was placed is withdrawn and an interest charged at the rate of 4 per cent above the minimum lending rate of the HSBC (Midland Bank) is liable to be levied on the account. Advertisements are accepted only under the company’s ‘‘Terms of Business.’’ Please make sure you request a full copy if you are unaware of your obligations.
The St. Ives Times & Echo also offers a large number of printing, photographic and graphic arts services through its parent company. Artwork created for your advert in the ‘Echo’ can be duplicated as mail shots, leaflets, posters, etc., or placed as advertising in any other media by our advertising service. Enquiries welcome.
​The St Ives
Times & Echo
(published every Friday price £2.00)
best for local advertising